

A sentence is not just a chain of words; the words are also elements in a ('syntactic') structure. You must recognize this structure in order to understand the meaning of the sentence. If the structure is ambiguous or unclear, the meaning will be so as well.


In a similar way a word is not just a chain of morphemes, they are also elements in a syntactic structure. The programme will only accept morpheme chains to which a well-formed syntactic structure can be assigned. When such analyses have been found, and you give their appropriate number through the push-button [--], the programme will show their syntactic structure in a 'relation and Role diagram'.


"qimatut" through the push-button [+] gives:


  Kr: (r29,105)  _qimatu, kun i pl. _qimatut, vinterforråd af  tørret kød (/ tørre lodder / andre tørrede fødemidler) som er gemt i en tør, tilmuret fjeldkløft.

  OseP: (i93;130)  {qimappaa 'efterlader sig det'; PI 323:6 qematu(t)} >qimatut (O/ >qimatuliat ) . vinterforråd (opbevaret på et afsides sted), depot E winter stores (of dried meat/fish) * §qimatu, t: _qimatuliaq; tak: =qimatulivoq; _qimatoqarpoq, _qimatueruppoq  | >qimatut, tq


Give it through [analysis -] and obtain:


qimatut, qi=ma=tut (2 2 3)

  OseP: (i93;130 1)  {qimappaa 'efterlader sig det'; PI 323:6 qematu(t)} >qimatut (O/ >qimatuliat ) . vinterforråd (opbevaret på et afsides sted), depot E winter stores (of dried meat/fish) *

  OseP(2): (i93;130 3) P >qimatut, tq


  More (double click / tap) :  K p g 0 1 4 5


With "0" (the digit) through the push-button [--] you now obtain this in a new window:


--0 : enkleste analyse(r) E simplest analysis/analyses



qimatu4.#°t0  (f,)


  <qimatu4  navnestamme E noun stem>  OseP: (i93;130)  {qimappaa 'efterlader sig det'; PI 323:6 qematu(t)} >qimatut (O/ >qimatuliat ) . vinterforråd (opbevaret på et afsides sted), depot E winter stores (of dried meat/fish) *

  <.#°t0  flertal E plural>


The arrow h+> above the word indicates that the two morphemes are connected by a right-directed relation (Danish "højre" = '[the direction] right'). The plural inflexion .#°t0 makes the stem qimatu4 into the word "qimatut", which can be used as an element in the larger structure 'a sentence'; so it is natural to take the inflexion as head of the relation. The line Q====Q under the two morphemes indicates that the stem and the word denote the same 'winter stores'. It is plural because it consists of several pieces (of dried meat or fish).


"1" through [--] gives:





qimatu4.#°t0  (e,2e,n)



  <qimatu4  navnestamme E noun stem>  OseP: (i93;130 1)  {qimappaa 'efterlader sig det'; PI 323:6 qematu(t)} >qimatut (O/ >qimatuliat ) . vinterforråd (opbevaret på et afsides sted), depot E winter stores (of dried meat/fish) *

  <.#°t0  ental, Ejer = 2. person ental, nominativ E singular, Possessor = 2nd person singular, nominative>


(compare the second analysis of "anut" in [Grammar]Class digits and inflexions). With this analysis the word would mean 'your winter cache' (singular). There is a Possessor (Danish: Ejer) which is 2nd person singular 'your(s)', see the line E====E under the line Q====Q.


The word tells a story about some Actors, we may say. It provides these Actors with Roles - or masks if you prefer. In a Role Q acts the one who (Latin QUI) is denoted by the noun or noun stem, here a winter cache or stores. In a Role E acts someone who owns the denoted or has some other close connection with it, here 'you' = the one spoken to.


The stem qimatu4 is only used with plural inflexions; but instead of "qimatutit" (f,2e,n) you would probably say:


qimatuliatit, qi=ma=tu=li=a=tit (2 2 2 2 2 3)


   Analysis :  qimatu/lia/tit  =  qimatu4.Liaq4.#-tit0  (f,2e,n)

  <qimatu4  navnestamme E noun stem>  OseP: (i93;130 1)  {qimappaa 'efterlader sig det'; PI 323:6 qematu(t)} >qimatut (O/ >qimatuliat ) . vinterforråd (opbevaret et afsides sted), depot E winter stores ) of dried meat/fish) *

  <.Liaq4  udvider navnestamme E expands a noun stem>  'lavet/forarbejdet ..' .Liaq

  <.#-tit0  flertal, Ejer = 2. person ental, nominativ E plural, Possessor = 2nd person singular, nominative>


  More (double click / tap) :  4 7 9 11 12 13 14


"0" (the digit) through [--] now gives this diagram:


      g+>   h+>

qimatu4.Liaq4.#-tit0  (f,2e,n)




'your (= the by you) collected winter cache or stores'. The stem qimatu4 has been expanded with an affix .Liaq4 'made/manufactured ..', which introduces a new Possessor (E) = the one who has made or manufactured the said qimatuliaq4. The Possessor of qimatu4 would rather be the place where the winter cache is situated. There is no line for the latter E in the diagram because it acts in no other Role in the word.


Morphemes that change neither class digit nor Roles have their head immediately to the left:


anorersuaq, a=no=rer=su=aq (2 2 3 2 3)

  OseP: (i9;121 6)  >anorersuaq . storm E storm |

  OseP(2): (i9;121 15) P * >anori, t rr >anorersuaq, _anorersualiuppaa, _anorilliorpoq, _anorisarpoq, €anorisaat, _anorisaasiorpoq


  More (double click / tap) :  K g 0 1 4 5 6 9


--0 : enkleste analyse(r) E simplest analysis/analyses




anorI4.rsu(aQ)4.€0  (e,n)


  <anorI4  navnestamme E noun stem>  OseP: (i9;121 1)  {PE 33:6 anuqe} >anori . vind, blæst E wind |

  <.rsu(aQ)4  udvider navnestamme E expands a noun stem> 'stor/slem/grim ..' .rsuaq

  <.€0  ental, nominativ E singular, nominative>


N morphemes are connected by N-1 relations. The affix means 'large/bad/ugly ..', as a double click on .rsuaq will show.


Verbs have an inflexion which shows the person_and_number of their Subject and their possible Object, see [Grammar]Class digits and inflexions. When there is an Object, the term Agens is used instead of Subject:


anuerpaa, a=nu=er=paa (2 2 3 4)

  OseP: (i9;105 1)  {anu} >anuerpaa S spænder den fra, tager seletøjet af den, slipper den løs E unharnesses it, lets it loose *

  OseP(2): (i9;105 2) P * >anuerpaa (=qimmeq =qimuttoq). tak: =anu, =anut


  More (double click / tap) :  K p g 0 2 3 6


--0 : enkleste analyse(r) E simplest analysis/analyses


     h+>  h+>

anueq2.Paq1.a0  (indi,3e,3e)



  <anueq2  verbalstamme E verbal stem>  OseP: (i9;105 1)  {anu} >anuerpaa S spænder den fra, tager seletøjet af den, slipper den løs E unharnesses it, lets it loose *

  <.Paq1  indikativ (fremsættemåde) E indicative>

  <.a0  3. person ental, Objekt = 3. person ental E 3rd person singular, Object = 3rd person singular>




   h+> h+>  h+>

anu4.eq2.Paq1.a0  (indi,3e,3e)



  <anu4  navnestamme E noun stem>  OseP: (i9;96 1)  {PE 33:5 anu} >anu (/S >anut ) . sele (til et trækdyr) E harness, dogs' traces *

  <.eq2  føjes til navnestamme, danner verbalstamme E is added to a noun stem, forms a verbal stem>  'tager .. af/fra den/ham' .erpaa

  <.Paq1  indikativ (fremsættemåde) E indicative>

  <.a0  3. person ental, Objekt = 3. person ental E 3rd person singular, Object = 3rd person singular>


The affix means 'robs/strips it of .., takes away .. from it', as a double click on .erpaa (again) will reveal. Agens strips (Object =) the draught animal (i.e. the dog) of its harness.


Agens and Object both have person_and_number = 3rd person singular here. Both may be specified with a noun (phrase) in the sentence. An Object noun (or head of noun phrase) must agree with nominative: "qimmeq (e,n) anuerpaa" 'he unharnessed the dog'. Or more commonly: "qimmini (,3re,n) anuerpai (indi,3e,3f)" 'he unharnessed his (own) dogs'. The Possessor person_and_number in the latter example agrees with r(eflexive) because the Possessor and the Subject (or Agens) of the verb have the same Actor, compare [Grammar]Class digits and inflexions.


The half-transitive affix .(T)ivoq [etc., see last in [Grammar]Concatenation of morphemes (2)] suppresses an Object. If you still want to specify the Object with a noun (phrase) in the sentence, it(s head) must be in the instrumental case: "qimmiminik (,3re,nik) anuiivoq" (or "anuersivoq") 'he was unharnessing his dogs':


anuiivoq, a=nu=ii=voq (2 2 4 3)


   Analysis :  anui/i/voq/  =  anueq2.(T)i2.Poq1.€0  (indi,3e) [k]

  <anueq2  verbalstamme E verbal stem>  OseP: (i9;105 1)  {anu} >anuerpaa S spænder den fra, tager seletøjet af den, slipper den løs E unharnesses it, lets it loose *

  <.(T)i2  udvider verbalstamme E expands a verbal stem>  '.. (nogen/noget)' ('halvtransitiv') .(T)ivoq

  <.Poq1  indikativ (fremsættemåde) E indicative>

  <.€0  3. person ental E 3rd person singular>


  More (double click / tap) :  1 2 3 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14


"0" (the digit) through [--] now gives this diagram:


     g+>   h+>  h+>

anueq2.(T)i2.Poq1.€0  (indi,3e) [k]




L stands for local case (such as instrumental).


The meaning of the affixes can often be described more accurately in terms of Role transformations. Thus the affix that forms the so-called 'passive participle' simply propagates the stem's A as E and its O as Q. "qimmeq (e,n) anuigaa" 'the dog(,) his (i.e. the by him) unharnessed' = 'the dog that he unharnessed':


anuigaa, a=nu=i=gaa (2 2 2 4)


   Analysis :  anui/ga/a  =  anueq2.-gaq4.a0  (e,3ie,n) [-Taq]

  <anueq2  verbalstamme E verbal stem>  OseP: (i9;105 1)  {anu} >anuerpaa S spænder den fra, tager seletøjet af den, slipper den løs E unharnesses it, lets it loose *

  <.-gaq4  føjes til verbalstamme, danner navnestamme E is added to a verbal stem, forms a noun stem>  '(noget/en) ..t' (= .Taq efter k,q) .-gaq

  <.a0  ental, Ejer = (ikke refleksiv) 3. person ental, nominativ E singular, Possessor = (not reflexive) 3rd person singular, nominative>


  More (double click / tap) :  2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


--0 : enkleste analyse(r) E simplest analysis/analyses


     h+>   h+>

anueq2.-gaq4.a0  (e,3ie,n) [-Taq]




(A form of the 'passive participle' [.Taq4 etc.] also occurs in .Liaq4 'made/manufactured ..' above.)


The affix (4) .u2 'be (a) ..' propagates Q of the stem as Subject or as R = subjective complement (Danish: subjektsprædikat). "qimmeq kajortoq" 'a dog (which is) brown' = 'a brown dog', "qimmiuvoq kajortoq" 'it is a brown dog':


qimmiuvoq, qim=mi=u=voq (3 2 2 3)


   Analysis :  qimmi/u/voq/  =  qimmeq4.u2.Poq1.€0  (indi,3e) [-u-]

  <qimmeq4  navnestamme E noun stem>  OseP: (i94;162 1)  {PE 331:2 qikmiR} >qimmeq hund E dog |

  <.u2  føjes til navnestamme, danner verbalstamme E is added to a noun stem, forms a verbal stem>  'er (en/et) ..' .uvoq

  <.Poq1  indikativ (fremsættemåde) E indicative>

  <.€0  3. person ental E 3rd person singular>


"0" (the digit) through the push-button [--] gives these diagrams:


      h+>h+>  h+>

qimmeq4.u2.Poq1.€0  (indi,3e) [-u-]



      h+>h+>  h+>

qimmeq4.u2.Poq1.€0  (indi,3e) [-u-]




Compare "kajortoq qimmiuvoq" 'the brown one is a dog' with

"kajortoq" '([something] which is) brown' used as (specifier of the) Subject.


The Subject specifier ("kajortoq") precedes the verb ("qimmiuvoq") as in English (not interrogative) sentences. But the square bracket [-u-] informs my programme for Greenlandic sentence analysis (not included here) that the verb "qimmiuvoq" '(it) is a dog' also may be combined with a following so-called predicative like "kajortoq" '(which is) brown'.


.uvoq 'is (a) ..' [and .nngorpoq 'becomes (a) ..'] form intransitive verbal stems, and .Toq 'who/which ..' ('intransitive participle') can only be used with intransitive verbal stems; but with a 'universal' affix between them they may be used transitively. A universal affix may be both verbal and nominal and gives no Role transformation, e.g. .rsuaq 'large/bad/ugly ..' and .rsuarpoq '.. with violence'. We see it in


nalusorsuuaa ['he/she is totally ignorant of it'], na=lu=sor=suu=aa (2 2 3 4 4)


   Analysis :  nalu/sor/su/u/a/a  =  nalu2.Toq4.rsu(aQ)4.u2.Paq1.a0  (indi,3e,3e) [-u-]

  OseP: (i59;40 1)  {PE 231:7 naLu-} >naluvoq . er uvidende, kan ingenting E is ignorant, does not know that .., cannot .. |

  <.Toq4  føjes til verbalstamme, danner navnestamme E is added to a verbal stem, forms a noun stem>  'som ..' ('intransitiv navnemåde') .Toq

  <.rsu(aQ)4  udvider navnestamme E expands a noun stem>  'stor/slem/grim ..' .rsuaq

  <.u2  føjes til navnestamme, danner verbalstamme E is added to a noun stem, forms a verbal stem>  'er (en/et) ..' .uvoq

  <.Paq1  indikativ (fremsættemåde) E indicative>

  <.a0  3. person ental, Objekt = 3. person ental E 3rd person singular, Object = 3rd person singular>


  More (double click / tap) :  11 12 13


"0" (the digit) through the push-button [--] now gives this diagram:





         <+V              h+>

nalu2.Toq4.rsu(aQ)4.u2.Paq1.a0  (indi,3e,3e) [-u-]

