Concatenation of morphemes
You concatenate the two first
morphemes in the row and obtain a complex stem. This procedure is repeated
again and again until the result is a single word: iga:2.Toq4.#°t0
-> igaso:q4.#°t0 -> igasu:t0 -> "igasut"
(f,). (Here I have written ":" instead of a space between the
constant part and the variable part of the stem at each step.) The signs and
rules (to be) applied depend somewhat on the class of the stem. As explained in
[Grammar]Class digits, inflexions and affixes, I use 0
for a word, 4 for a noun stem and 2 for a verbal stem.
0 = word
A 'stem' with 0 on its right is a
word. It may end in a vowel or in a short stop consonant. A few inflexions end
in k resp. t but may have t resp. k instead: :K0 resp.
:T0. The word final vowel may also be ai.
To words may be added a few
('enclitic') conjunctions and interjections like .lu 'and ..' and .una '(it is) that
..'. And also some nominal affixes like .kasik 'the poor ..', with deletion of a word final consonant before the
velar. Two adjacent vowels or consonants at the morpheme border may fuse
according to the rules explained in [Grammar]Sounds
and orthography: "anullu" = "anut" (f,) or "anup"
(e,g) + .lu . Adjacent
consonants always fuse.
A hyphen is inserted between a vowel
and aa: "una-aasiit"
u6.na0.aasiit0 (e,n) 'so it
always is (.aasiit) with him/that (una)'. Word final (stop) consonant before a vowel -> the
corresponding nasal, but you may write the stop consonant with a hyphen after
instead: "inunguna = inuk-una"
inuk4.¤0.una0 (e,n) 'the
person there'.
G (in .Gooq
'it is said that ..') -> "g" after a
vowel; q + G -> "r", k + G -> "g" or "nng", p,t
+ G -> "nng". .ttaaq
'also ..' after i often has
the form .ssaaq . Initial V (in .Vrpoq
'says/shouts: ..') stands for the same (short) vowel as in the stem.
4 = noun stem
Noun stems may end in a vowel (anu:4) or in :q, :k (inu:k4), :T.
The vowel may also be :I (= i.2), which -> "a" before a vowel (and
sometimes disappears before a consonant). An i <
i.2 doesn't change a neighbouring t into s.1 . :k and :q usually disappear before a vowel and before a
velar consonant, see [Grammar]Sounds and orthography. They are deleted by the
sign "-" (before another consonant). T adds a protecting I: "angutaa" anguT4.a0 (e,3ie,n).
There is also an S < T after i.1 or after aa < a+i: "ikitsit" ikitsiS4.¤0 (e,n) 'a/the match', "ikitsiseqarpit" ikitsiS4.qaq2.Pi1.t0 (inte,2e) 'do you
have a match / matches ?'. :ttI -> :tta
before a vowel, otherwise :tsi.
Many noun inflexions begin with the
sign "#" which deletes a final :q in noun
stems. If there is a short consonant and a vowel (a/e/o) in the variable part
of the stem (:CVq4.#), the result may also be :CC1V with CC1 = geminated C. Ordbogeeraq (P) will in most cases indicate what CC1 you
get by gemination, compare [Grammar]Abbreviations in
(Ose)P. Most consonants are simply prolonged, g,r -> kk
resp. qq, and j,s(.1) ->
ts as in "natsat"
na:saq4.#°t0 (f,) 'caps'. S -> ss (i.e. long s.2)
or zero (""): "aarnussat" aarnuSaq4.#°t0 (f,) 'charms'.
The most complicated noun inflexions
are .#°t0 (f,) and .#°p0 (e,g).
"°" indicates that they add an i resp. u if
the stem still ends in a consonant when "#" has applied and T,S have added a protecting I; a final k will then be
deleted: "inuit" inu:k4.#°t0 (f,) 'mennesker'. Final Q is a q which is not deleted by
"#": "alliup" alle:Q4.#°p0 (e,g) 'of the lower'; but
K and t are deleted like q: "ammassat"
ammassa:K4.#°t0 (f,) 'caplins', "Kaalap" Kaala:t4.#°p0 (e,g)
'of Karen'. Final (aq), (aQ)
and (Saq) all disappear before a vowel.
There are also noun stems in :Eq4 and :Ik4, and in :CEq4 and :CIk4. E,I (= i.2) avoid a neighbouring vowel; so here q is not
deleted by "#", and q,k are not deleted
before a vowel. E,I may disappear if the consonants (C
and q,k) are allowed to fuse. If not, q,k are weakened into fricatives
or into nasals (if C is short m or n), and E,I may disappear if the consonants
now are allowed to fuse. In [Grammar]Sounds and orthography we saw the examples
"ernerup" ern:Eq4.#°p0 (e,g)
(q -> r) and "karra" ka:ngEq4.a0
(e,3ie,n) (ng + q is impossible, but ng + r -> rr). Compare also
"ermup" (m + q) = "erngup"
(m + [nr]) i:mEq4.#°p0 (e,g)
'of water'.
A few affixes added to noun stems
begin with .Li-, which means .-li- or .#i- with gemination (if the
variable part is CV[C1]) and loss of V[C1], or just .i-
with loss of E,I between consonants: "ilerfiorpoq
= iliviliorpoq" ili:vEq4.Lioq2.Poq1.¤0 (indi,3e)
'makes a grave'; "aasivoq"
aas:aq4.Li2.Poq1.¤0 (indi,3e) 'spends the summer'. :T4.Li-
-> :tili- or :si- (with
s.1 < t as neighbour to the i.1 of the affix). There is also an inflexion
.Ni0 (e,3re,n) with similar behaviour (but :T4.Ni0
-> :tini0 or :nni0).
Some noun stems in I may add a k
which -> ng before a vowel: "assi = assik" assi:ng4.¤0 (e,n), "assia = assinga" assi:ng4.a0
(e,3ie,n). :g4 is a k which may -> g (instead of
disappearing) before .#°p0 (e,g) and .#°t0 (f,):
"saarulligit = saarulliit".
The affixes .-tsiaq and .atsiaq are written with a final :r which indicates that
they have forms with a long a: .-tsiaamik
.-tsia:r4.#mik0 (e,nik). Initial .A (in .Araq 'small ..') means .a or the
same (short) vowel as in the stem.
2 = verbal stem
Verbal stems may end in a vowel or
in :q, :k, :t, :T. The vowel may also be I (i.2), which fuses into an
"a" with the first consonant letter in the mood morphemes Poq1, Paq1
(indi[cative]) and vlu1 (cont[emporative]):
"ajoralugu" ajor:I2.vlu2.gu0 (cont,,3ie). The
final I of verbal stems does not -> a before a vowel, but we have u in the
one form "piguuk = pigiguk"
pi4.g:I2.guk0 (impe,2e,3e) 'take possession of it!'.
After i.1 you have
:c instead of :t : "nunaatsoq"
nuna4.ic2.Toq4.¤0 (e,n) 'who has no land'. But in
".nngilaq" 'not ..' you have :l instead:
.nngi:l2.Poq1.¤0 (indi,3e), ".nngitsoq"
.nngil2.Toq4.¤0 (e,n). The affix ".tippaa" has I = i.2, which will not change a
neighbouring t to s.1 and :c : .t:It2.Paq1.a0
:q, :k, t (also in :It, and :c, :l)
are in general dropped before a vowel and before a velar consonant (see
[Grammar]Sounds and orthography), and they are deleted by the sign
"-". T adds a protecting I, which -> i
(not a) before a vowel (which always is i). [There
are also verbal stems with more (up to :CVC1 or :CCV)
in the variable part.]
Some of the affixes that are added
to verbal stems have shorter forms with a sign
"#" in front, i.e. with gemination in the
stem. Something is left out in the shorter affix form; if there is a vowel in
this material, a stem vowel (V =) i.2 in general -> "a": "pannarippoq" pa:nEq2.#rik.Poq1.¤0
(indi,3e) '(it) is bone-dry'(.#rippoq '.. is clever at / particularly' < .#q [< .neq] + .gippoq 'has/is a
good/fine ..'). A long consonant (CC) is not changed by the gemination.
The affixes .Fvik,
.Ut and .Uppaa also have
forms without f resp. u, which may be added with gemination
to stems ending in :CV. With .Fvik
you sometimes have both possibilities: "neriffik"
'a place for eating', "nerrivik" 'dining
table' ne:ri2.Fvik4.¤0 (e,n).
Before .Ut and .Uppaa V = i may disappear instead, in a few old forms without gemination: "aput" 'sne' < ap:i2.UT4.¤0 'means for
snowing'. The so-called 'half-transitive' affix .(T)ivoq (and a few others) add the shorter form of .Fvik without gemination: "ilisivik" ili2.(T)i:v2.Fvik4.¤0 (e,n)
'a shelf (= place where something is placed'. (This stem final v is in the
lexicon only.)
I have also used other capital
letters initially in the affixes and inflexions added to verbal stems. G,K,J,K',P,T
-> g,g,j,j,v,s(.2) after a vowel, -g/k,k,k,ki,p,t after a consonant, but q + G,K,J,K' -> r,r,r,ri, c,l + T -> ts, and T.T -> ss(.2). Initial
cs -> ts after a vowel
and with T,t (etc.),
otherwise ss,rs. Screen forms may end in -aeq or -ai in order to indicate
that a following t may -> s(.1) though the stem
vowel is aa (< a+i). Verbal
stems too may end in an (aq) which often will
disappear before a vowel.
One deverbal
affix begins with ".%l" and a few with
".%s"; the sign "%" may delete a final I in the stem. .(u)m means .um, .im (often when
the stem vowel is i) or .-m .
The so-called 'half-transitive'
(with suppressed Object) is usually formed with .(T)ivoq, but with .nnippoq when the
stem ends in I (and in a few other cases). .(T)ivoq is in general .ivoq after k,q and .sivoq (with s.2) after a
vowel; with -T we usually get -ssivoq (s.2), with -t
and -c : -tsivoq (s.1 as always in ts). With stem final -aaq
or -eeq we usually get -aarivoq
resp. -eerivoq. Other forms are indicated in
the lexicon in each case. You will see that the 'half-transitive' of .qquppaa is .qqutsivoq , and that .ersivoq often is used
as 'half-transitive' of .erpaa .