Analysis with Danish


If you give the word "Ordbogeeraq" through [input], you get:


 looked in (double click / tap) : K13 f19 O13 B1

 try  -Ordbogeeraq  or  -+Ordbogeeraq  (double click / tap)


The word is not in any of the dictionaries. But double click on "-Ordbogeeraq", or "Ordbogeeraq" through [analysis -], gives:


Ordbogeeraq, Ordbo=gee=raq (9 4 3)


   Analysis :  Ordboge/eraq/  =  <Ordboge>4.Araq4.€0  (e,n)

  <Araq4  udvider navnestamme E expands a noun stem>  'lille ..' .Araq

  <€0  ental, nominativ E singular, nominative>


  More (double click / tap) :  01 03 04 05 08




   Analysis :  Ordbog/e/eraq/  =  <Ordbog>4.i4.Araq4.€0  (e,n)

  <.i4  udvider navnestamme E expands a noun stem>  (til nye låneord fra dansk) .imut

  <.Araq4  udvider navnestamme E expands a noun stem>  'lille ..' .Araq

  <.€0  ental, nominativ E singular, nominative>


   Analysis (2):  Ordbogeera/q/  =  <Ordbogeera>4.q4.€0  (e,n)

  <.q4  udvider navnestamme E expands a noun stem>  (danner navnestamme på -q) .q

  <.€0  ental, nominativ E singular, nominative>


  More (double click / tap) :  00 03 04 05 08


A double click on ".Araq" gives:


 looked in (double click / tap) : K3 f1 O2

  Kr: (r82;55 1)  §.Araq, 2. N. frit: en lille, nemlig som ikke har sin fulde størrelse; en miniature- . Efter =i trækkes det ofte sammen dermed til =-eeraq. |

  <føjes til navnestamme E is added to a noun stem>  OseP: (i142;71 1)  (4) {PE 467:6 .RaR and .aRaR} >.Araq A lille .. E small .. |


".Araq" through [full articles ,+] or [+] give a number of examples.


"Ordbogeeraq" may mean 'the/a small Ordbog(i) [i.e. Dictionary]'. It does. "0" before the digits (00, 01, 03 etc.) indicates that the programme has been unable to recognize the left part (<Ordboge> resp. <Ordbog> or <Ordbogeera>) of the given word. The first 'syllable' in Ordbo=gee=raq acquires the 'weight' 9 because it is too complex to be Greenlandic.


We have better luck with the word "ordbogeeraq"; give it through [analysis -] and obtain:


ordbogeeraq, ordbo=gee=raq (9 4 3)

  OseP: (i158;62 2)  >ordbogeeraq O (navnet på en grønlandsk-grønlandsk ordbog) [jvf. =P] *

  OseP(2): (i158;62 3) P * >ordbogeeraq


  More (double click / tap) :  0 4 11 13


The word is in O and I have added it in P. The programme has also found a few analyses:


0 : enkleste analyse(r) E simplest analysis/analyses


   Analysis :  ordboge/eraq/  =  ordbogi4.Araq4.€0  (e,n)

  <ordbogi4  navnestamme E noun stem>  OseP: (i158;62)  >ordbogi O ordbog |

  <.Araq4  udvider navnestamme E expands a noun stem>  'lille ..' .Araq

  <.€0  ental, nominativ E singular, nominative>


  More (double click / tap):  O 4 11 13


The noun stem ordbogi4 'dictionary' has been expanded with the affix .Araq4 'small ..' and the inflexion .€0 for singular, nominative.




   Analysis :  ordboge//eraq/  =  ordbogi4.q4.Araq4.€0  (e,n)

  <ordbogi4  navnestamme E noun stem>  OseP: (i158;62)  >ordbogi O ordbog |

  <.q4  udvider navnestamme E expands a noun stem>  (danner navnestamme på -q) .q

  <.Araq4  udvider navnestamme E expands a noun stem>  'lille ..' .Araq

  <.€0  ental, nominativ E singular, nominative>


  More (double click / tap):  O 0 11 13


Here the Greenlandic noun stem ordbogi4 has been expanded with .q4 , and stem final q disappears before the initial vowel of .Araq (-> -eraq in this case). .q4 may be used to indicate singular or countability: ordbogeq4 'a dictionary'.


(With "11" and "13" you obtain some less probable analyses.)


If you give the word through the push-button [-+], Danish morphemes are also taken into consideration:


ordbogeeraq, ordbo=gee=raq (9 4 3)

  OseP: (i158;62 2)  >ordbogeeraq O (navnet på en grønlandsk-grønlandsk ordbog) [jvf. =P] *

  OseP(2): (i158;62 3) P * >ordbogeeraq


  More (double click / tap):  0 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14


"1" now gives this analysis involving a Danish stem:


   Analysis :  ordbog/e/eraq/  =  ordbog0.i4.Araq4.€0  (e,n)

  Bdg: (n70;9 1)  >ordbog * atuagaq oqaatsinik qinerlerfissiaq, ordbogi

  <.i4  dansk til grønlandsk navnestamme>  .imut

  <.Araq4  udvider navnestamme E expands a noun stem>  'lille ..' .Araq

  <.€0  ental, nominativ E singular, nominative>


  More (double click / tap):  O 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14


The affix .i4 has changed the Danish ordbog0 'dictionary' into a Greenlandic noun stem ordbogi4 with the same meaning. (The affix is shown with the inflexion .#mut (e,nut).) The rest is as above ("0"). The analysis doesn't distinguish between Danish noun stems and other stems; all acquire the class digit 0 like words.


"3" gives the same analysis with an extra "/" after e: ordbog/e//eraq/. An extra zero morph is needed because Danish -e in proper names may be conserved as such: Ole//kasik/ (e,n) [nvn] 'bad/dear Ole'.


With "5" you get:


   Analysis :  ordbog/e//eraq/  =  ordbog0.i4.q4.Araq4.€0  (e,n)

  Bdg: (n70;9 1)  >ordbog * atuagaq oqaatsinik qinerlerfissiaq, ordbogi

  <.i4  dansk til grønlandsk navnestamme>  .imut

  <.q4  udvider navnestamme E expands a noun stem>  (danner navnestamme på -q) .q

  <.Araq4  udvider navnestamme E expands a noun stem>  'lille ..' .Araq

  <.€0  ental, nominativ E singular, nominative>


  More (double click / tap):  O 0 1 3 4 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14


This analysis contains .q4 like that obtained with "4" above.


"6" gives:


   Analysis :  ord//bog/e/eraq/  =  ord0.€9.bog0.i4.Araq4.€0  (e,n)

  Bdg: (n70;5 1)  >ord * oqaaseq, oqaaserisaq, oqaaserisartagaq |

  <.€9  forbinder>

  Bdg: (n11;159 1)  >bog >bøger * atuagaq |  +

  <.i4  dansk til grønlandsk navnestamme>

  <.Araq4  udvider navnestamme E expands a noun stem>  'lille ..' .Araq

  <.€0  ental, nominativ E singular, nominative>


  More (double click / tap):  O 0 1 3 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 13 14


In this analysis the Danish ordbog0 'dictionary' is composed of Danish ord0 'word' and Danish bog0 'book' with a connector ("forbinder") .€9 ; it is a so-called compound.


The " +" after "bog" here indicates that there are several entries for it in Bdg:


 looked in (double click / tap) : K53 f21 O61 B11

  Bdg: (n11;159 1)  >bog >bøger * atuagaq |

  Bdg(2): (n11,161)  >bog * orpiup qisussiassap paarnarlua


Danish "bog" means 'book' or the fruit(s) of a beech.


Between Greenland and Northern Canada is a small island that is called Tartupaluk 'The nice kidney' by the Greenlanders. The programme cannot recognize all of the word "tartupaluk":


tartupaluk, tar=tu=pa=luk (3 2 2 3)


   Analysis :  tartupalu/k  =  <tartupalu>4.#°k0  (d,)

  <.#°k0  dualis (to-tal) E dual>


  More (double click / tap) :  04 05




   Analysis :  tartupalu//k  =  <tartupalu>4.q4.#°k0  (d,)

  <.q4  udvider navnestamme E expands a noun stem>  (danner navnestamme på -q) .q

  <.#°k0  dualis (to-tal) E dual>


  More (double click / tap) :  00 05




   Analysis :  tartupa/lu/k/  =  <tartupa>4.luk2.€4.€0  (e,n)

  <.luk2  føjes til navnestamme, danner verbalstamme E is added to a noun stem, forms a verbal stem>  'har dårlig(e) ..' .luppoq

  <.€4  føjes til verbalstamme, danner navnestamme E is added to a verbal stem, forms a noun stem>  (nulform af .Toq 'som ..') .€

  <.€0  ental, nominativ / singular, nominative>


  More (double click / tap) :  00 04


The word tar=tu=pa=luk (3 2 2 3) has stress on the heavier (i.e. first and last) syllables. "rt" denotes a long t with uvularisation of the preceding vowel; the mouth is more open, and the bulk of the tongue is retracted towards the uvula. Greenlandic vowels are pronounced with uvularisation when the next letter in the same word is q or r; the vowels i,u are written with the letters e,o when in this position.


The word "tartu" means 'kidney'. But there is no recognition of -pa-, so the proposed analysis of the final -luk is probably wrong.


But -paluk is in OseP. Give "paluk" through [right part /] and obtain:


 looked in (double click / tap) : O8

  <føjes til navnestamme E is added to a noun stem>  OseP: (i151,16 1)  (4) {-V/-p/}  /paluk : .paluk 'kær/rar ..'

  <føjes til verbalstamme eller navnestamme E is added to a verbal or noun stem>  OseP(2): (i152,217 1)  (2/4) {-p/-r/}  /paluk : .rpaluk 'lyd/udseende af ..'


"/paluk" after a vowel (-V/) may be the affix .paluk . Double click on it gives:


 looked in (double click / tap) : K9 f2 O4 B1

  <føjes til navnestamme E is added to a noun stem>  OseP: (i151;15 1)  (4) {PE 477:6 .vaLug(-)} >.paluk A kær/rar .. E dear, nice (KY and NG) |


With ".paluk" through [+] you obtain:


  <føjes til navnestamme E is added to a noun stem>  OseP: (i151,15)  (4) {PE 477:6 .vaLug(-)} >.paluk A kær/rar .. E dear, nice (KY and NG) | :Kunuuppaluk S den kære Knud E the dear Knud | :Suffiapaluk S den rare Sofie E the nice Sophia | :palasipaluk S den rare præst E the good minister | ,Siorapaluk


This affix is used in Thule (Kap York) and in North Greenland only. It is mentioned in Schultz-Lorentzen's dictionary (se) and in CED.