The dictionaries
Directions for use are given in
[Guide]How to use the programme. Here we shall take a
closer look at the dictionaries.
"qajaavoq" through the push-button [+] gave:
OseP: (i84,51) {qajaq; PI 319:8 qayau-} >qajaavoq . er
omkommet i kajak E has perished in a kayak * >qajaavoq:
=qaannakkut =ajunaarpoq; _qajaasoqarajoqaaq, _qajaangajappoq
The word "qajaavoq"
means '(he) has perished in a kayak'. The curly brackets {qajaq;
PI 319:8 qayau-} in OseP
are explained in [Guide]How to use the programme.
After a " * " in the
article from OseP come(s) the corresponding part(s)
of the purely Greenlandic dictionary P (= Jonathan Petersen: Ordbogeeraq, 1951). The sign ">" before "qajaavoq" indicates that the word occurs with a
translation (and again with ">" in front) in the first part
(before *) of the same article. A sign "_" is written before a few
other words which are formed from the same stem as "qajaavoq".
This sign gives them status as entry words. Greenlandic words with another stem
are given the sign "=".
A double click on "qajaq" (or "qajaq"
through [input (G/D)]) gives:
looked in (double
click / tap) : K171 f30 O215 B77
Osep: (i83;213 1) {PE
319:5 qayaR} >qajaq . kajak E kayak (with a man in it) |
OseP(2): (i83;213 10) P * >qajaq, t
aann -§qajartaarpoq, €qajarsiorpoq, &qajassiaq |
Give it through the push-button
[full articles ,+] and obtain:
Kr: (r26,151) §qajaq,
2. (pl. =qaannat), 1) en kajak (den eskimoiske
mandfolkebåd, her altid kun til én mand og med én åre med blad i begge ender;
ellers også bekendt under navnet 'bajdar'); 2) manden
i sin kajak. Jvf. =umiaq.
OseP: (i83,213) {PE
319:5 qayaR} >qajaq . kajak | >qaannat O kajakker, kajakmænd | >qaannat
=marluk =aggerput: S der
kommer to kajakmænd roende | >qajara =iluarsarallarlara: S lad mig først ordne min kajak! * >qajaq, t aann -§qajartaarpoq, €qajarsiorpoq,
| >qaannat, tq | -#qaannakkut =pivoq: =qajaavoq
If you give "qajaq" through the push-button [+], you obtain a
fuller OseP and no Kr:
OseP: (i83,213) {PE
319:5 qayaR} >qajaq . kajak (with a man in it) | >qaannat O kajakker, kajakmænd | >qaannat =marluk =aggerput: S der kommer to kajakmænd
roende E there are two kayak men who come paddling |
-#qaannap -#qaannamut -#qaannanut | >qajara =iluarsarallarlara: S lad mig først ordne min kajak! E let me first arrange my kayak | -#qaannama -€qajaa -§qajarpoq | -§qajakasiga -§qajakua €qajapilorujussuaq | €qajarsiaq #qajarsiaa | -§qajarsissagaluarama #qajassaa *
>qajaq, t aann -§qajartaarpoq, €qajarsiorpoq,
&qajassiaq | >qaannat, tq | -#qaannakkut =pivoq: =qajaavoq
gives the same.) "-#qaannap", "-#qaannamut" etc. in Ose
(between "}" and "*") refer to (an)other
article(s) where the Greenlandic word occurs in an example. You may double
click on the word and obtain the example(s). These references (and the English
translations) were left out when you gave the word through the push-button
[full articles ,+]. More on the
references later.
" O " after an entry word in Ose indicates that
it is in Oqaatsit (O, 1997) only; an " S "
indicates that it is in Schultz-Lorentzen's
dictionary (S = s, 1926) alone. " . " indicates that the word is in
both dictionaries, and then O and e are shown. But you may obtain s by giving
the word through the push-button [Ose ;]:
"qajaq >qajaq
. kajak (med mand i)
As explained in [Guide]How to use
the programme, you may also give a Danish or English word through [Ose ;] and see the first up to 100 article segments in Ose(P) where the word occurs. Or you may write another
maximum number (1-200) and a space before the word given in.
Slant ("/") is used
extensively instead of "or", and an extra space is used with a
following "/ " for delimitation. Thus 'A B (/ C) D' (with
an extra space before B) means 'A B D' or 'A C D'. A pair of double slants is
used in a few cases with the meaning 'A//B C//D' = 'A C' or 'B D'.
There may be alternative dictionary
forms. E.g. 'A /S B' means that S has the second form (B) instead of A. 'A S/ B' means that S has both forms. And
similarly for O.
After a " * " later in the
article come(s) the corresponding entry or entries from P = Jonathan Petersen's
purely Greenlandic Ordbogeeraq (1951). Each entry
occupies one segment of the article. See also [Guide]Abbreviations
in (Ose)P.
As explained above, a sign
"_" in P indicates an entry word. The sign is replaced by
"€" or "-€" if the word occurs (with translation) in an
example in O, in another article. The sign "_" in P is replaced by
"#"/"-#" if the word is in an example in s only. It is
replaced by "§"/"-§" if the word is in an example in Kr
instead, and by "&" if it is in the Greenlandic text in Bdg alone. A distinction is made between entry words and
other words (with a sign "=") in the Greenlandic text in Ose(P)
and Kr. The signs "-€"/"-#"/"-§" in P refer to
words in the text only of O, s resp. Kr.
Some more important words in the
text in Kr are written with the sign ">" instead of "="
however, and then the segment is shown in the alphabetical list (i.e. the files
m) with Greenlandic words in Kr. Give for instance "qajartaarpoq"
and double click on "K171".
Ose is used as a stem lexicon. In the fuller Ose
(see above) there are references from a word's systematic place to other
articles where the word is translated. These references are the word in
question with signs
as in P. There are also some references with signs "%"/"-%"
to words with signs "_"/"=" in P (in the more detailed old
orthography), but they are left out when the programme will analyze the word
uniquely as having this stem - and when they are not needed to define the stem.
A few more words from (Bd)g
are added with a sign "&" in Ose. A
sign "-&" indicates that the word is (part of) a botanical name,
see below. Extra separators ("| ") are inserted so that no segment in
Ose contains more than three such references.
A word may occur with a translation
(or in the old orthography) in several places, but there is referred to them
only with the sign that is highest in the hierarchy
You can see all the occurencies if you give the word
through [analysis -] or [-+] and select the shown K/r/O/s/l/p/B/d/g.
The sign "," in Ose is used with some words that exemplify an affix; give
for instance "immikkoorpoq" through [input
looked in (double
click / tap) : K74 f24 O85 B42
OseP: (i32;73 1) {immikkut; [PE 118:6 eLmi-]} >immikkoorpoq . er særskilt
/ for sig / isoleret E is by himself / separate |
OseP(2): (i32;73 10) P * >immikkoorpoq,
>immikkoortippaa, >immikkoortitsivoq,
€immikkoortortaq, &immikkoortuisa
=1-at, >immikkuulupput, #immikkuutaarput
OseP(3): (i139;13 5) (4) ,nunakkoorpoq
,immikkoorpoq |
i139;13 is
the article for the affix .#kkoorpoq . If the
exemplifying word is translated in the same article, the sign ":" is
used instead of ",". Also in P if the example is there; give for
instance "palasikkut" through [input
looked in (double
click / tap) : K150 f29 O186 B71
OseP: (i71;18 11) §palasigaat
#palasikkut #palasikkunni |
OseP(2): (i139;21
7) (4) :palasikkut S præsten
og hans familie/besætning \ the clergyman and his family/rowers |
OseP(3): (i139;21
11) P (4) * -kut t-t: :palasikkut,
_ajoqikkut, _Siimuukkut, _angaakkut, _aataakkut, _Aggukkut, _naalakkakkut
"palasikkut" through [+]
OseP: (i71,18) >palasi .
præst E clergyman | #palasili
#palasilu #palasilumi | #palasiluunniit #palasissaaq -€palasip | -#palasimik -#palasimit | -#palasinik -#palasitut | >palasiat S deres
præst E their clergyman |
>palaseqarfik O præstegæld, sogn | €palaserpalaarpoq #palaserpaluppoq
| -#palasertaaq #palaseruusaq
| >palasigaa S har ham til præst E has him as a clergyman | §palasigaat #palasikkut
#palasikkunni | €palasikoq
#palasiliarpoq | €palasimukaapput
€palasinngorpoq #palasisoorpoq
| >palasissaq O en teologisk kandidat | >palasiuneq . ypperstepræst (hos bibelens jøder) E high priest | €palasiunikuuvoq €palasiusaarpoq #palasiutipparput * >palasi, t oqs (=palasti, oqt), >palasissaq, >palasiuneq, #palasiuvoq
OseP(2): (i139,21)
(4) {PE 459:5 .nkug and .nkut} >.#kkut A B .. og de
andre (familie/venner etc.), ..s E (plural form of personal names, including the family/attendants
of the person in question) | :Farikkut
O Fari og hans
familie / de andre | :iffiortukkut O bagerens | :Sakkakkut O familien Sakkak | :Suulukkut O Søren og hans venner | :Uunngortukkut
O Uunngortoq og hans ledsagere | :palasikkut
S præsten og hans familie/besætning E the clergyman
and his family/rowers | :ataatakkut
=tikipput: S fader og de andre er kommet E father and the others have come | :ataatakkullu :anaanakkullu : S min fader og min moder E my father and my
mother (NG) | :Annakkormiut
H de der bor i Annas hus * -kut t-t:
:palasikkut, _ajoqikkut, _Siimuukkut, _angaakkut, _aataakkut, _Aggukkut, _naalakkakkut
i139;21 is
the article for the affix .#kkut . "(4)"
before the curly brackets in the article means that the affix is added to a
noun stem, see [Grammar]Class digits, inflexions and
affixes. You may also enter "(4)" (with parentheses). "A"
before the translation stands for 'Affix meaning:'. "B"
means that there is at least one example of the affix in O = Oqaatsit.
The neutral sign "_" is
used in Ose with a number of affixes which otherwise
would be in P only. E.g. "/paqut" (or
"paqut" through [right part /] gives:
looked in (double
click / tap) : O8
OseP: (i140,221) (4)
{-V/} /paqut :
A double click on ".-paqut" gives:
looked in (double
click / tap) :
OseP: (i140,220) (4)
_.-paqut * -paqut t-t: _silapaqut [/_atsipaqut], €ilupaqut, #allipaqut; _silapaqutit [/_atsipaqutit]
If the word (e.g. "qajaq") is given through the push-button [+-], the
articles in OseP (and Bdg)
are shown without transformation:
(i83,213) "qa Naq4 qajaq*{PE 319:5 qayaR} +jaq . kajak \ kayak (with a man in it) | +annat O kajakker, kajakmænd | +annat =marluk =aggerput: S der kommer to kajakmænd
roende \ there are two kayak men who come paddling |
-#annap -#annamut -#annanut | +jara =iluarsarallarlara: S lad mig først ordne min kajak! \ let me first arrange my kayak | -#annama -€jaa -§jarpoq | -§jakasiga -§jakua €japilorujussuaq | €jarsiaq #jarsiaa | -§jarsissagaluarama #jassaa * >qajaq, t áin -§qaja%rtârpoq, €qaja%rsiorpoq,
&qaja%gssiaq. | >qáinat,
tq | -#qáinákut =pivoq: =qajauvoq.
The constant first part (here "qa") of the entry words in Os occurs once only, first
in the article.
P = Ordbogeeraq
is shown in Samuel Kleinschmidt's orthography, with
the accent (= length marker) "`" instead of "~": àma (for ãma) = aamma, vìne = viinni.
I have kept the old orthography in the lexicon here because it gives
etymological and/or structural information that is lost in the orthography
introduced since 1973. (Some of this information is not historical however.)
The printed Ordbogeeraq
has: "qajaq, t áin -rtârpoq, -rsiorpoq, -gssiaq." I have added the implied first part of the
words and replaced "-" with a "%" (qaja%rtârpoq)
which disappears in the transformation to new orthography (-> qajartârpoq -> qajartaarpoq). When
a "-" is left out in P, I have written a "+" instead. A
final "." is replaced by " " in
the transformation.
A second edition of Ordbogeeraq by Nikolaj Rosing was published in 1967. Additions and relevant
changes in the second edition are shown here in square brackets [], beginning
with "/" when it is a change. Curly brackets {} enclose material
which is in the first edition only. Rosing rectified
verbs in {-agpâ, -igpâ, -ugpâ} to [-ápâ, -ípâ, -úpâ] for simplicity; it is
ignored here.
As said in [Guide]Introduction,
Bdg has been supplemented with the botanical names in
two flora books. Try e.g. "ulvefod" (Clubmoss):
looked in (double
click / tap) : K247 f34 O314 B110
Bdg: (n110;362 1)
>ulvefod ,Bjerg-ulvefod
* qivittut assaat |
Give it through [full articles ,+] or [+] and obtain:
Bdg: (n110;362) >ulvefod ,Bjerg-ulvefod * qivittut assaat | Femradet (/ Islandsk) >ulvefod {Lycopodium annotinum ssp. annotinum (/ alpestre)} * N142 kakillarnaasat
R031 | Otteradet >ulvefod
{Huperzia selago} * N143 qivittut assaat, tuttaasat, sajunnguartoq R030
A double click on (the last part of)
",Bjerg-ulvefod" gives:
looked in (double
click / tap) : K13 f19 O12 B1
Bdg: (n1,34) >Bjerg-ulvefod {Diphasiastrum alpinum} * N142 qivittut assaat R032
"N142" refers to page
"qivittut" through [input (G/D)] gives:
looked in (double
click / tap) : K188 f31 O237 B77
OseP: (i96;140 3) >qivittut =assaat: O ulvefod (en plante) |
OseP(2): (i96;140 4) -&qivittut -§qivittunik |
A double click on "-&qivittut" (or "qivittut"
through the push-button [Bdg ']) gives the botanical
names which contain this Greenlandic word:
Bdg: (n1,34) >Bjerg-ulvefod {Diphasiastrum alpinum} * N142 qivittut assaat R032
(n110;362 1) >ulvefod 'Bjerg-ulvefod
* qivittut assaat |
(n110;362 3) Otteradet >ulvefod
{Huperzia selago} * N143 qivittut assaat, tuttaasat, sajunnguartoq R030
You may also give a (word in a) latin name through [Bdg '].