How to use the programme
In [Guide]Introduction
it is explained how you make GroenOrd available on
your computer. The running programme has a topmost bar with a number of
push-buttons on the screen: [input (G/D)] [Kr ,] [full
articles ,+] [+] [+-] [Ose ;] [Bdg
'] [analysis -] [-+] [--] [right part /] [reverse g_]. Last come: [Guide]
[Grammar] [vejledning] [grammatik]
and Window.
The main window contains an upper
left window with results and a lower right window with guide or dictionary. If
you place the cursor on the uppermost blue bar of a window and press the left
mouse button down, the window will follow the cursor.
Here follows an explanation to the
first 12 push-buttons, ending with [reverse g_]. I shall start with the first
[input (G/D)]
[Kr ,] [full articles ,+] [+]
[+-] [Ose
;] [Bdg ']
The first push-button is [input
(G/D)]; if you push it, a small dialog box will pop up. Here you may write the
Greenlandic or Danish word that is to be looked up. You may also point at the
word in a window and double click the left mouse button, or point at the word
and tap the mouse pad on a laptop PC. It is possible to write in the window 'resultater / results'.
Now give the word "qajaavoq" (without quotation marks). In the result
window the programme will respond:
looked in (double
click / tap) : K171 f30 O215 B77
OseP: (i84;51 1) {qajaq; PI 319:8 qayau-} >qajaavoq . er
omkommet i kajak E has perished in a kayak *
OseP(2): (i84;51 2) P * >qajaavoq:
=qaannakkut =ajunaarpoq; _qajaasoqarajoqaaq, _qajaangajappoq
The word was found in OseP (i84,51 1 and 2), see
[Guide]Introduction. The meaning is '[he] has perished in a kayak'. "i84;51 1" means the first segment of article (= line) no.
A double click on the
"O215" shown initially will give a simplified alphabetical version of
the lexicon OseP in a new central window. Here you
will find these two lines with "qajaavoq"
as the first word:
"qajaavoq i084;051_001 {qajaq;
PI 319:8 qayau-} >qajaavoq
. er omkommet
i kajak E has perished in a
kayak *
"qajaavoq i084;051_202
The programme remembers the latest
given word. If you give it through the push-button [Kr ,],
i.e. with a sign ",", Kleinschmidt's
dictionary is also shown:
looked in (double
click / tap) : K171 f30 O215 B77
Kr: (r27,11) _qajaavoq, omkommer i
OseP: (i84;51 1) {qajaq;
PI 319:8 qayau-} >qajaavoq
. er omkommet
i kajak E has perished in a
kayak *
The programme now prefers segments
in OseP where the word is translated.
A double click on the
"K171" shown initially will give a simplified alphabetical version of
the lexicon Kr in a new central window. Here you will find these two lines with
"qajaavoq" as the first word:
"qajaavoq r27;011_000 _qajaavoq,
omkommer i kajak.
"qajaavoq r59;078_301
A double click on the number
("011" or "078") between ";" and "_"
will show the dictionary segment in question in the result window. The second
dictionary segment contains the word ("qajaavoq")
with a sign "=" only: "=qajaavoq".
Give the word through the
push-button [full articles ,+], .i.e. with signs
",+", and obtain:
Kr: (r25,21) _qajaavoq, omkommer i
OseP: (i84,51) {qajaq; PI 319:8 qayau-} >qajaavoq .
er omkommet i kajak * >qajaavoq: =qaannakkut =ajunaarpoq; _qajaasoqarajoqaaq, _qajaangajappoq
If you give the word through the
push-button [+], you get a fuller OseP and no Kr:
OseP: (i84,51) {qajaq; PI 319:8 qayau-} >qajaavoq . er
omkommet i kajak E has perished in a kayak * >qajaavoq:
=qaannakkut =ajunaarpoq; _qajaasoqarajoqaaq, _qajaangajappoq
The English translation is also
A double click on "51" in
"i84;51" also displays the full article on
the screen. And a double click on "51" in "i84,51"
(with a comma) will show that region of the dictionary file i84 in a new
central window. The lines are not broken at the right window border if you add
a "-" in front (i.e. "-i84,51")
before double clicking on "51".
You may also double click on
"11" in "r27,11".
Give the word through the
push-button [+-] and see the articles in OseP (and Bdg) as they are in the lexicon:
(i84,51) "qajaa 2 10.*{qajaq; PI
319:8 qayau-} +voq . er omkommet
i kajak * >qajauvoq: =qáinákut =ajunârpoq; _qajau%ssoqarajoqaoq,
The dictionary P (after the second
"*" in the articles from OseP) is given in
the original, more detailed old orthography (but you must leave out
"%" and "+" inside words). The programme otherwise
transforms P to the new orthography before showing it on the screen.
First in the article from OseP (when you give the word through [+-]) comes the stem
form. qajaa2 is an intransitive (10.) verbal stem (2).
The following curly bracket tells us that this stem probably is a derivation of
the stem in the word "qajaq". "PI
319:8 qayau-" is information from CED =
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary. "qayau-" is
the proposed Proto Inuit form; it occurs as no. 8 on page
and) a double click on "f30" will display a list of proto-forms - but
"qajaavoq" is not a proto-form.
OseP contains two Greenlandic-Danish dictionaries, viz
O and s = S, see [Guide]Introduction. " . " after the entry word indicates that it is in
both dictionaries, and then O alone is shown. But you may obtain s by giving
the word through the push-button [Ose ;], i.e. with a sign ";":
"qajaavoq >qajaavoq
. er omkommet i kajak
O and s say the same in this case.
The programme also looked for the
given word in the alphabetically ordered Bdg =
Danish-Greenlandic dictionary (1960). ("qajaavoq"
and) a double click on "B77" will show the place in Bdg where the programme stopped its search for the given
word (which isn't Danish).
If you give a Danish or a
Greenlandic word through the push-button [Bdg '],
i.e. with a sign "'", the programme will show the article segments in
the text of Bdg where the word occurs. The programme
shows the first up to 100 finds. You may write another maximum number between 1
and 200 (and a space) before the word given in.
If you give a Danish or English word
through the push-button [Ose ;], the programme will show the first up to 100 article
segments in Ose(P) where the word occurs. Again you
may give another maximum number (1-200) and a space before the word given in. "3
kayak" through [Ose ;] thus gives:
OseP: (i2;16 2) =qaanni >assattorpaa : S han banker på sin kajak (for at blive hørt) E he strikes on his kayak in order to be heard
OseP(2): (i2;48 1) {cf. assakarpoq; PI
11:4 akSagiitkutaq} >assagiikkut
. harpunholder (på en kajak) E harpoon knob (peg
on the kayak on which the harpoon rests to prevent it from slipping overboard)
OseP(3): (i3;27 1) {PE 62:9 ayag-}
>ajappaa S støder det fra sig, støtter
det (ved at sætte en stiver under det), sætter tværtræer//tofter
i den (kajakken//båden) E
pushes it away, stays it (by putting a prop under it), inserts cross-trees // seats into it (the
kayak//boat) |
-] [-+] [--]
If you give a word through [analysis
-], i.e. with a sign "-", the programme will attempt an analysis. Try
with "qajaavoq":
qajaavoq, qa=jaa=voq (2 4 3)
OseP: (i84;51 1) {qajaq; PI 319:8 qayau- +} >qajaavoq . er
omkommet i kajak E has perished in a kayak *
OseP(2): (i84;51 2) P * >qajaavoq:
=qaannakkut =ajunaarpoq; _qajaasoqarajoqaaq, _qajaangajappoq
More (double click / tap) : K r p g 0 4 11
Now the programme also shows how the
given word is divided in (Greenlandic) syllables. The second syllable has the
'weight' 2+2=4 because the vowel is long (aa).
The third syllable has the 'weight' 2+1=3 because it ends in a consonant (q). The
word is pronounced with most stress on the heavier second syllable. When the
syllables of a word have equal 'weight', there is more stress on the first,
third and fifth etc. syllable from the end.
Last comes
a line with letters and numbers. You may select one of them at a time by double
clicking or by pointing and tapping. Selection of a letter will show what the
programme has found in the dictionary in question.
and) selection of "p" gives:
p : tekstord i Ordbogeeraq E word in the text of (Ose)P
OseP: (i83;213 12) -#qaannakkut =pivoq: =qajaavoq
More (double click / tap) : K r O g 0 4 11
Selection of "0" (the
digit) gives:
0 : enkleste analyse(r) E simplest analysis/analyses
Analysis : qajaa/voq/ = qajaa2.Poq1.€0 (indi,3e)
<qajaa2 verbalstamme E verbal stem> OseP: (i84;51 1) {qajaq; PI 319:8
qayau-} >qajaavoq . er
omkommet i kajak E has perished in a kayak *
<.Poq1 indikativ (fremsættemåde) E indicative>
<.€0 3. person
ental E 3rd person singular>
More (double click / tap) : K r O p g 4 11
"qajaavoq" is probably the verbal stem qajaa2
with inflexion for indicative, 3rd person singular.
"4" gives a deeper
Analysis :
= qajaq4.u2.Poq1.€0 (indi,3e) [-u-]
<qajaq4 navnestamme E noun stem> OseP:
(i83;213 1) {PE 319:5 qayaR} >qajaq
. kajak E kayak (with a man
in it) *
<.u2 føjes til
navnestamme, danner verbalstamme E is added to a noun stem, forms a verbal stem> 'være (en/et) ..' .uvoq
<.Poq1 indikativ (fremsættemåde) E indicative>
<.€0 3. person ental E 3rd person singular>
More (double
click / tap) :
K r O p g 0 11
The stem qajaa2 'perish in a kayak'
may be qajaq4 'kayak' expanded with .u2 'be (a) ..'. Or
"qajaavoq" may be "qajaq"
with the affix ".uvoq", as it is usually
put. "qajaavoq"
doesn't mean 'he is a kayak', however; but the kayaker is one with his vessel,
and even more so when he hangs dead in it. Later, only the kayak is found.
If you give a word through the
push-button [-+], the programme will also take Danish word parts into
consideration during analysis. See [Guide]Analysis
with Danish.
If the programme (still) cannot
recognize all the parts of the given word, it will add a "0" before
the numbers (for found analyses) smaller than 10: 00, 01 and so on. Numbers
greater than 9 (09) are not shown in this case.
If you give a number for found
analyses (here 0 or 4) through the push-button [--], the programme will show
relation-and-Role diagrams for those analyses in a new window. See [Grammar]Diagrams.
[right part
/] [reverse g_]
The affix .uvoq
occurs in the shape "avoq" in "qajaavoq". If you cannot remember the standard form,
give "avoq" through the pushbutton [right part
/] and obtain some suggestions:
looked in (double
click / tap) : O6
OseP: (i139;127) (2)
{-a/} /avoq :
.(T)ivoq '.. (nogen/noget)'
OseP(2): (i146;225)
(2) {-i/} /avoq : .javoq
'er tilbøjelig til at .., .. let'
OseP(3): (i155;177)
(0/4) {-a/} /avoq : .uvoq
'er (en/et) ..'
The third entry says that "avoq" after a (: {-a/}) may be .uvoq.
The first entry suggests the "semi-transitive" (or
Object-suppressing) affix .(T)ivoq
instead. It is added to a transitive verbal stem. (The still more complex
analysis obtained with "11" above in fact involves
The latest given word is now "/avoq". Give it through the push-button [analysis -]
and obtain:
OseP: (i139,127) (2)
{-a/} /avoq :
.(T)ivoq '.. (nogen/noget)'
OseP(2): (i146,225)
(2) {-i/} /avoq : .javoq
'er tilbøjelig til at .., .. let'
OseP(3): (i155,177)
(0/4) {-a/} /avoq : .uvoq
'er (en/et) ..'
More (double
click / tap) :
0 1 6 7 8 10
Analysis :
= .ja2.Poq1.€0 (indi,3e)
<.ja2 udvider verbalstamme
E expands a verbal stem> OseP:
(i146,225) (2) {-i/} /avoq : .javoq 'er tilbøjelig til
at .., .. let'
<.Poq1 indikativ (fremsættemåde) E indicative>
<.€0 3. person
ental E 3rd person singular>
Analysis (2): /a/voq/
= .u2.Poq1.€0 (indi,3e)
<.u2 f°jes til ord eller navnestamme, danner verbalstamme E is added to a word or a noun stem, forms a verbal
stem> OseP: (i155,177) (0/4) {-a/} /avoq : .uvoq 'er (en/et) ..'
<.Poq1 indikativ (fremsættemåde) E indicative>
<.€0 3. person
ental E 3rd person singular>
Analysis (3): /a/voq/
= .a2.Poq1.€0 (indi,3e)
<.a2 udvider
verbalstamme E expands a verbal stem> OseP: (i145,112) (2) {-V/}
/apput : .apput '.. allesammen' /avik : .avik
<.Poq1 indikativ (fremsættemåde) E indicative>
<.€0 3. person
ental E 3rd person singular>
More (double click / tap) : + 1 6 7 8 10
Analysis :
= .(T)i2.Poq1.€0 (indi,3e)
<.(T)i2 udvider
verbalstamme E expands a verbal stem> OseP: (i139,127) (2) {-a/}
/avoq : .(T)ivoq '..
<.Poq1 indikativ (fremsættemåde) E indicative>
<.€0 3. person
ental E 3rd person singular>
More (double click / tap) : + 0 6 7 8 10
You obtain explanation to most terms
and signs if you double click on them. The class digits (0/2/4) must be given
in parentheses through [input (G/D)]: "(0)" etc. A list is shown
initially in [Grammar]Class digits, inflexions and
If you give a word
through the push-button [reverse g_], it will be reversed and looked up in a
reverse Greenlandic word list. With "qajaavoq" we obtain:
qajaavoq, reverse: qovaajaq
looked in (double
click / tap): a138
A double click on "a138"
will now show the entry words in the files i that
resemble "qajaavoq" on the right.