Compounds (yhdyssanat)
Look again at the word "aallonpohja". Give it through [F analysis -] and
suomi: (i2;106 4)
More (double click / tap) : 0 1
Analysis :
= aallon9.pohja4.€0 (s,n)
suomi: (i2;106 1) >aallon-
(=aalto) : ;aallonharja . bølgekam, bølgetop
suomi: (i64;117 1) >pohja . bund; (=perusta)
grundlag; (=kengänpohja) sål _ |
<.€0 singular, nominative>
More (double click / tap) : + 1
Analysis :
= aallo4.n9.pohja4.€0 (s,n)
suomi: (i2;108 1) >aalto . bølge _ _aallon |
<.n9 connector, <
the inflexion for singular, genitive>
suomi: (i64;117 1) >pohja . bund; (=perusta)
grundlag; (=kengänpohja) sål _ |
<.€0 singular, nominative>
More (double click / tap) : + 0
The word is the compound stem
aallonpohja4 with the inflexion (4).€0 (s,n) for singular, nominative.
The stem aallonpohja4 is composed of
aalto4 and pohja4 with a connector (yhdistäjä)
(4).n9. This connector is from the inflexion (4).n0 (s,g) for singular, genitive. "aallon-"
('wave-') is the same as aalto4.n9.
Stems and words can be said to have
(underlyingly) 9 on their left, also in Danish. And
words can be said to have (underlyingly) 0 on their
right, also in Finnish.
When (4).n9 induces no changes
inside the preceding stem, we can write it with a "§" instead of
"&" before the second part of compounds in the lexicon. "Kaspianmeri" (Kaspia/n/meri/)
through [+-] thus gives:
"Kaspia : §meri 4 . Kaspiske hav
The corresponding Danish connector
has the substance "s" and is written with a "#"
instead of "&" before the second part of compounds in the
Another Danish possibility is
unstressed "e" (shwa) and "!" in
the lexicon between consonants which may not combine.
Both languages have a frequent
connector (& =) (4/0).€9 with the substance € =
zero, as in aalto//pelti/ = bølge//blik/
(see below) and in ord//bog/ =
Finnish always inserts a
"-" between two identical vowels in a compound stem, as in "lehto-orvokki" (lehto/-/orvokki/).
The programme will find "lehto" and "orvokki" in the lexicon, and it will accept a form
"lehtoorvokki" (lehto//orvokki/).
But Finnish written "oo" denotes long
"o", so the latter form is not correct. There is a syllable border
between the two components.
I have only to a very limited extent
gathered the Danish compounds under their first component. I am more interested
in Finnish (here), and it is more regular.
Next give the Finnish word "aaltopeltikatto" ('corrugated iron roof') through [F
analysis -]:
Analysis : aalto//pelti//katto/ =
aalto4.€9.pelti4.€9.katto4.€0 (s,n)
suomi: (i2;108 1) >aalto . bølge _ _aallon |
<.€9 connector>
suomi: (i61;252 1) >pelti . blik; (=paistopelti) plade; (=savupelti)
spjæld _ |
<.€9 connector>
suomi: (i32;75 1) >katto . (=ulkokatto) tag,
(=sisäkatto) loft _ |
singular, nominative>
More (double click / tap) : 4 13
Analysis : aalto//pelti//katt/o/
suomi: (i2;108 1) >aalto . bølge _ _aallon |
<.€9 connector>
suomi: (i61;252 1) >pelti . blik; (=paistopelti) plade; (=savupelti)
spjæld _ |
<.€9 connector>
suomi: (i32;71 1) >kattaa 2 . overdække, dække; belægge; (=katto)
tække _ _katettu |
<.O4 jako (jakaa), lento (lentää), lähtö (lähteä), teko (tehdä), pelko
(pelätä), näkö (nähdä), kuulo (kuulla); pako (paeta), löytö (löytää)>
<.€0 singular, nominative>
More (double click / tap) : 0 13
"13" gives an improbable
analysis of katto.
The stem in "aaltopeltikatto" is composed of more than two. Therefore
give the word through [-+] and obtain:
Analysis : aaltopelti//katto/ =
aaltopelti4.€9.katto4.€0 (s,n)
suomi: (c1,179) >aaltopelti . (i2;108 7) ;aaltopelti
_ |
<.€9 connector>
suomi: (i32;75 1) >katto . (=ulkokatto) tag,
(=sisäkatto) loft _ |
singular, nominative>
More (double click / tap) : 1 4 5 9 13
Analysis : aalto//peltikatto/
= aalto4.€9.peltikatto4.€0 (s,n)
suomi: (i2;108 1) >aalto . bølge _ _aallon |
<.€9 connector>
suomi: (c76,361) >peltikatto i61;252_003
singular, nominative>
More (double click / tap) : 0 4 5 9 13
The programme has found a couple of
compound stems in the files c, which are formed from the Finnish lexicon. It
prefers the analysis "aaltopelti"
('corrugated iron') + "katto" ('roof')
because "peltikatto" ('tin roof') is not in
the pocket dictionary. "aaltopelti"
('bølgeblik') is in the Danish-Finnish part of this
dictionary, as indicated with an "_" after the word.
Suomi-englanti-suursanakirja (2012) has both "aaltopelti"
('corrugated iron') and "peltikatto" ('tin
roof') as entry words. The medium-sized Suomi-ruotsi-suomi
sanakirja (2007) conversely has "peltikatto" ('plåttak') and
not "aaltopelti", but "aaltolevy" ('korrugerad plåt') instead of the latter.
"4" and "5" give
a deeper analysis of "katto" resp. "aaltopelti":
Analysis : aaltopelti//katt/o/
aaltopelti4.€9.katta2.O4.€0 (s,n)
suomi: (c1,179) >aaltopelti . (i2;108 7) ;aaltopelti
_ |
<.€9 connector>
suomi: (i32;71 1) >kattaa 2 . overdække, dække; belægge; (=katto)
tække _ _katettu |
<.O4 jako (jakaa), lento (lentää), lähtö (lähteä), teko (tehdä), pelko
(pelätä), näkö (nähdä), kuulo (kuulla); pako (paeta), löytö (löytää)>
<.€0 singular, nominative>
More (double click / tap) : 0 1 5 9 13
Analysis : aalto//pelti//katto/
aalto4.€9.pelti4.€9.katto4.€0 (s,n)
suomi: (i2;108 1) >aalto . bølge _ _aallon |
<.€9 connector>
suomi: (i61;252 1) >pelti . blik; (=paistopelti) plade; (=savupelti)
spjæld _ |
<.€9 connector>
suomi: (i32;75 1) >katto . (=ulkokatto) tag,
(=sisäkatto) loft _ |
singular, nominative>
More (double click / tap) : 0 1 4 9 13
With "9" (= 4 + 5) you get
the deeper analysis of both. "13" gives "aaltopelti"
+ a wild analysis of "katto".
The analysis of "aaltopeltikatto" through [-+] takes some time because
of the extra stems found in the files c.
Many botanical names are compounds. "ahkeraliisa" ('busy Lizzie',
Impatiens) is an example. "liisa"
through [full articles +] gives:
(i45,98) >liisa ; | ;liisankukka
The lonely ";" says that
the word is used as the second part of compounds. Give "liisa" through [F reverse k_] and double click on the
shown "a30", if you want to see the entry words that resemble "liisa" on the right. ("liisa" is also the first part of "liisankukka", a different flower.)
Give "Impatiens" through
the push-button [input (F/D)] and obtain:
looked in (double
click / tap) : I1 o2 s1 Q1 T1 n1 y10
suomi: (i27,272) >kC433 Balsamin-slægten, ,Impatiens
654-655 (384-385)
Impatiens belongs to the
Balsamin family, which is described on page 654 and
A double click on "272" in
"i27,272" will enter a list of the plant
families in Nordens flora:
"kC432 Balsaminfamilien
"kC433 Balsamin-slægten,
,Impatiens 654-655 (384-385)
"kC434 Floksfamilien
"kC435 Floks-slægten,
Phlox 655-656 (482, 887)
"kC436 Limfrø, Collomia linearis 656 (482)
"kC437 Blåhoved-slægten, Gilia 656 (482)
"kC438 Jakobsstige-slægten,
,Polemonium 656-657 (482-483)
"kC439 Kodriverfamilien
"kC440 Kodriver-slægten,
,Primula 658-659 (460-461)
"kC441 Skov-alpeklokke,
Soldanella montana 659
"kC442 Fjeldarve-slægten,
,Androsace 660 (462)
"kC443 Vandrøllike,
,Hottonia palustris 660
"kC444 Fredløs-slægten,
,Lysimachia 661-664 (463-464)
"kC445 Samel,
,Samolus valerandi 664
"kC446 Fjeldprydfamilien
"kC447 Fjeldpryd, ,Diapensia lapponica 665 (450)
"kC448 Galax,
Galax urceolata 665
"kC449 Trompetbladfamilien
"kC450 Trompetblad, Sarracenia purpurea 665 (241)
"kC451 Lyngfamilien
"kC452 Vintergrøn-slægten,
,Pyrola 666-667 (450-451)
"kC453 Ensidig
vintergrøn, ,Orthilia secunda
668 (452)
"kC454 Enblomstret
vintergrøn, ,Moneses uniflora
668 (452)
"kC455 Snylterod,
,Monotropa hypopitys 668
"kC456 Skærmvintergrøn,
Chimphila umbellata 669
"kC457 Kalmia-slægten, Kalmia 669
"kC457' Kryblyng, ,Loiseleuria procumbens 669 (453)
"kC458 Blålyng,
,Phyllodoce caerulea 669
"kC459 Kantlyng, ,Cassiope tetragona 670 (454)
"kC460 Moslyng,
,Harrimanella hypnoides 670
"kC461 Rhododendron-slægten, ,Rhododendron 670-671
"kC462 Læderløv,
,Chamaedaphne calyculata
671 (455)
"kC463 Erica-slægten,
,Erica 672 (456)
"kC464 Hedelyng, ,Calluna vulgaris 672 (456)
In the first turn I overlooked Loiseleuria procumbens ("sielikkö"), kC457'. If I have not overlooked more, all
the latin family names in Nordens flora will be in this list. And everything is in
alphabetical order in the files y. Line no. N in the index file y0 is the
beginning of the first line (with a content) in the
file yN.
A double click on ",Impatiens" (or "Impatiens" through the
push-button [(F-)D ,]) gives the full names from three smaller flora books:
suomi: (i25;23 6)
;jättipalsami {Impatiens
glandulifera M126} Kæmpe-balsamin |
suomi(2): (i44;68 30) ;lehtopalsami {Impatiens noli-tangere G158 M126
O168} Spring-balsamin |
suomi(3): (i71;209 6) ;rikkapalsami {Impatiens parviflora G158 O168}
Småblomstret balsamin |
"G158" after two of these
names indicates that there is a photo and description on page
Maastokasvio and Feltfloraen are adapted translations of
"Svensk Fältflora"
from 2006, which is an abridged version of "Den nya
nordiska floran" from
2003. The Danish version of the latter is "Den nye
nordiske Flora" (2003 and 2014) mentioned above.
"G158", "M126"
and "O168" are formally Danish words in the Finnish-Danish
dictionary. You may give them through [(F-)D ,] and
see all the article segments that contain them. Or you may give them through
[F-D,D-F] and double click on the initially shown
"y7" resp. "y14" and "y18".
The three Finnish names above end in
"palsami". The last part of the
corresponding Danish names is "balsamin". "palsami" through [full
articles +] gives:
(i60,67) >palsami _ | >palsamoida
_ >palsamointi
(i60,68) >palsami [=lehtopalsami,
=jättipalsami; =rikkapalsami]
(t2,441) >balsamin :
,balsamin ,Kæmpe-balsamin ,Spring-balsamin
A double click on ",balsamin" gives:
suomi: (i71;209 6)
;rikkapalsami {Impatiens
parviflora G158 O168} Småblomstret balsamin |
which is not in Maastokasvio, is given after a
semicolon (instead of comma) in the square brackets above.
A double click on ";rikkapalsami" or "=rikkapalsami" gives:
looked in (double
click / tap) : I71 o136 s68 Q36 T28 n36 y115
suomi: (i71;209 6)
;rikkapalsami {Impatiens
parviflora G158 O168} Småblomstret balsamin |
Give it through [full articles +]
and obtain:
(i71,209) >rikka . snavs, skidt; (=jäte) affald _ | ;rikkaimuri ;rikkakasa ;rikkakihveli | ;rikkakukonkannus
{Consolida regalis M068
O112} Korn-ridderspore | ;rikkalapio
. fejeblad _ | ;rikkanenätti {Rorippa sylvestris M082 O132} Vej-guldkarse
| ;rikkapalsami {Impatiens parviflora
G158 O168} Småblomstret balsamin
| ;rikkapähkämö {Stachys arvensis M172} Ager-galtetand | ;rikkarehuvirna {Vicia sativa ssp. segetalis M112} Ager-vikke | ;rikkaruoho . ukrudt | ;rikkaruohoinen
| ;rikkasinappi {Sinapis arvensis M090 O130} Ager-sennep |
;rikkatunkio ;rikkaäes
and through [,+]:
(i71,209) >rikka . snavs, skidt; (=jäte) affald _ | &kukonkannus . Korn-ridderspore |
. fejeblad _ | &nenätti . Vej-guldkarse | &palsami .
Småblomstret balsamin |
&pähkämö . Ager-galtetand | &rehuvirna .
Ager-vikke | &ruoho . ukrudt | &sinappi . Ager-sennep
None of the 1.250 Finnish botanical
names consists of more than one word. There is more compounding in Finnish than
in Danish.
The given word is analysed in a stem
chain from the left end and a suffix chain from the right end. The last
morpheme in a valid stem chain is a stem; it has 9 on its left and < 9 on
its right. Suffix chains contain no morpheme with 9 on its left or right. An
analysis consists of a valid stem chain and a fitting suffix chain.
The programme first finds all the
stem chains that correspond with the left end of the given word. And then it
builds suffix chains from the right end. It calculates a "weight" of
the chains, and it prefers word analyses with a smaller total weight. Most
morphemes contribute 2 to the chain's weight.
The programme was developed
originally to West Greenlandic (Eskimo), which has a lot of derivations and
very few compounds. A Greenlandic stem chain rarely contains more than one
stem, and never more than two. But Greenlandic has a richer system of
inflection for person, and therefore even more inflexions than Finnish. So a
Greenlandic suffix chain can easily contain a good many morphemes.
The files c, where compounds (from
later in the dictionary articles) are given as stems, helps the Finnish
programme to analyse long stem chains correctly. The structure found will be a
binary tree. But the analysis through [-+] takes more time, as explained.